Skogsröjet is a Swedish rock festival in the middle of nowhere. Skogsröjet means Fiest in the Forest.What is special with this festival?Skogsröjet is in the little village Rejmyre, normally just under 2 000 people but first weekend in August around 8-9 000 people are coming for the festival.
The whole village is involved, everyone is working on a volunteer basis under the best festival general Stefan Englund.He leads the team with dedication and love, ensuring everyone that everyone is needed from those that picks trash to those that take care of the artists that is performing.Me and my hubby has worked as volunteer crews aswell so I can truly ensure you all that it is the truth.Stefan has always had the motto: We will not be the biggest festival but we will be the nicest! The festival has a familiar feeling, most of the audience is coming back year from year.It is safe to have your kids with you, some brings their sun chairs and sit on the lawn in front of the stages.Its rare that bigger fights happens and no sexual abuse has happened during the festival.I usually say that Skogsröjet is the big Hugging fiest !
📸 Skogröjet
This year was it Tungsten that really wanted us to go.This Swedish metal band has made themself a name so no further introduction is necessary.In october is their 4th album being released.Singles has been relased in April- Walborg and in July Vanta black.This is a band that truly makes art, so far has I never heard a bad song being released from them.They make music they are proud of and we as an audience are just blessed.
📸 John Reid aka The Scottish Viking
Half past twelve the 3rd of August did they entering the stage.A lot of superlatives was mumbling through the audience and the band was welcomed with a huge cheer from the audience.They know how to make the most of the stage, giving us a show where the energy went in waves from stage into the audience and back.It was one of those concerts when you feel that band and audience was one body.It was sing-a-long, handclapping and cheerings.You could really see that the guys had fun and a great time with their audience.A lot of Tungsten t-shirts where seen in the crowd.They gave us a mix of songs from all albums.Favourites like Faries dance, We will rise, On the Sea and Vanta black was played.
📸 Mingle
A few hours later did they have their signing session and a bunch of happy fans got their stuff signed by the guys.Later on in the VIP section was a beer and whisky tasting going on.They tried beer from Heavy Metale/ Snörsjö which is also the brewery who make Tungsten’s beer.Tundra has been a great IPL , this year has they relesed with the same collab their beer Inferno.I spoked with one of the persons from the brewery who said: if you like Tundra then you gonna love Inferno.Its a little more spicey than Tundra and its made with heart and soul.Me myself hasnt been able to try it yet but I have ordered it at Systembolaget.They tried whisky from the Swedish destillery Mackmyra who makes really good whisky.In the photos you can see which beer and whisky they tried out.Skogsröjet delivered , we had a fun time and hopefully we see you there next year.On behalf of Maizter-Underground are we wishing Tungsten an awesome tour during early fall.
Yours truly!