2022 has come to an end. And what a year it was. Loads of new albums were released, we left covid behind us, and live shows are possible once more!
In all genres new music came to us. Big names like Rammstein and Arch Enemy dropped new albums but also lesser known and upcoming acts like Tungsten and Slashy Sue gave us new music to enjoy! And like Maizter Underground did last year, we all made a favourite list of albums that were released in 2022.
We start things off, with the album top 5 of our star journalist Christina ‘Stina’ Wernersson. Stina joined Maizter Underground early on, is based in Sweden, and does a lot of interview’s, album review’s and concert review’s.
1. Tungsten –Bliss
Stina: For me is it a band that never gets boring and they never have a “filler” song on their album. It’s pure art, whatever they do!

Tungsten Spotify
2. Architects – The Classic Symptom of a Broken Spirit.
Stina: Architects to me is a band that always keeps improving, expanding and exploring into new areas in their music. I just love Doomscrolling from their latest album!

Architects Spotify
3. Kvaen – The Great Below
Stina: Beautiful music that gives me an escape from the daily life! I absolutely love the song Sulplur Fire.

Kvaen Spotify
4. Eleine – Acoustic in Hell
Stina: Eleine’s acoustic album is exquisite to say the least and give a new and extra dimension to their songs. Ava of Death is truly a mighty song!

Eleine Spotify
5.Sonata Arctica – Acoustic Session 1&2
Stina: Sonata Arctica still are amazing. Although they are around for some now they again found a wayto give more meaning and dimension to their songs. My favourite of this album is Full Moon.

6. Rammstein – Zeit
Stina: Whit the release of Zeit, Rammstein dropped another masterpiece! Whatever these Germans do, will turn it into gold !

Rammstein Spotify
7. Sabaton – The war to end all Wars.
Stina: Sabaton is always high standard and music that always makes me feel good! Amazing to stand in the audience and see them live