Brief interview with VULNIFICUS

Originated during the midst of the worldwide pandemic, VULNIFICUS is quickly building a name for themselves. Hailing from the United Stated this energetic duo has released several single’s, with the most recent one released on Black Friday! About this single, VULNIFICUS’ inception and more, I had a nice talk with lead-vocalist Eston!

Hey Eston, thanks for taking the time for an interview with Maizter Underground!

Thank you for having us, we appreciate you taking the time to speak with us.

How are you doing? Covid and all.

Doing the best that we can giving the circumstances. Just trying to stay busy and ahead of the curve and continue creating. This music is a perfect soundtrack to the chaos and disorder happening right now. 

Eston, ow did the band came to exist?

VULNIFICUS began when I was promoting a show for one of Joe’s (Abolishing the Ignominious) other bands. Wilson and I began to talking and we decided to get together and create something new and fresh with a lot of old school influences. 

Can you introduce the band members one by one?

I’m Eston. I do vocals and the lyrics for the band. Wilson does all instruments and handles our artwork as well. 

You guys call yourself VULNIFICUS. How did you come up with this name and what does it mean?

It’s a name Wilson had came up with. He found it in a pathology atlas and had the name for a project he started with someone else. Once we got started, we decided to use this name instead. 

Can you tell me something about the journey this far, Eston? Where did the creativity came from for your first “own work” and who (if any) did inspire you?

I’m always inspired by the great legendary bands and the observations and experiences in my own life. When we began this project I just wanted to do and create a sound different than anything I’ve done previously. That was the motivation. I guess you can say I wanted to go back to my roots. The journey has been great and we are very grateful to have the ears of the death metal fans and we hope to gain more over time being on New Standard Elite (Record Label). 

What are the (longtime) goals with VULNIFICUS?

Our goal is to remain consistent and make New Standard Elite proud that they gave us this opportunity to show everyone what we’re capable of. We’re not going to let them down. When all is said and done, we would like to have the respect of the bands that influenced us and share the stage with them In the process. 

Are there singles/ an album coming up or just released?
We have just released INNOMINATION on Black Friday. You can find that on our website or on all streaming platforms. The plan right now is recording a full length and something extra for the fans in 2022. 

Do you have any festivals/gigs/shows planned?

We don’t have any shows planned as of now, but you never know what the future holds!!!!

Sounds like a lot of interesting things are in the future! We absolutely keep a close eye on you guys!  For now I want to thank you for your time! On behalf of everyone at Maizter Underground we want to wish you happy holidays and all the luck with all you take on in the future!

To make sure you wont miss anything VULNIFICUS, NEW STANDARD ELITE or OLDSKULL PROMOTIONS releases or announces, please follow them through the following links!




About the Author

Patrick Reos

Patrick Reos
Based in The Netherlands.
Writing journalist.

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