There’s a lot more to music in general, and metal in particular, than meets the eye. There are producers, labels, roadie’s, designers and so on. Web Metal Fürth can be listed in this last catagory. Web Metal Fürth specializes in high quality webpage building for metalbands all around the globe, and build and designed Maizter Underground aswell! About Web Metal Fürth and some other things, I sat down with founder and CEO Sven Bergmann!

Hey, thanks for taking the time for an interview with Maizter Underground! How are you doing? Covid and all.
All good so far. Fortunately, the pandemic didn’t really endanger jobs like mine – as a web developer, you even got more freedom (remote work and such). Also, this year I finally had the chance to see the guys from Tungsten live, which was also my first concert in over a year (the last one was Hammerfall in January 2020). All in all, it’s actually been a good year so far.
Can you introduce yourself and explain your connection with metal(music)?
Metal music has been with me since childhood – I grew up with it (my parents listen to Helloween and Rammstein, for example). I also played the drums in a band called Fjoelnir for a very long time and we had some concerts abroad and also played at festivals – that was an awesome experience. Unfortunately, we broke up after our first album release because everyone went their separate ways (as it always is at a young age.). I also listen to metal on Spotify all the time while I’m working and that’s how you get to know relatively unknown bands and make some connections in that direction.

You guys call yourself Webmetal Fürth. How did you come up with this name and what do you do exactly?
We do what the name suggests – websites for metal bands. Of course, other artists are always welcome as customers. I had the idea about two months ago because I saw that many really good bands have really bad websites. That’s a shame, it doesn’t represent their great music at all. The idea itself came to me while walking my three dogs, out of nowhere. So I thought, let’s try it on the side of my main job, what should happen?
Can you tell me something about your method of working?
I work full-time in an advertising agency and implement designs and ideas there – here I learned a lot about what makes a good website and how to implement it with manageable effort. Of course, the communication with bands and artists is different than with medium-sized companies, but the approach remains the same. Especially in e-commerce I have a lot of experience by now and would like to help smaller bands to become more successful and known through SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and merch sales. I mostly work on the sites in the evenings or on weekends, when my main job doesn’t challenge me at the moment. It’s sometimes very exhausting, but I really enjoy creating websites myself – especially for a topic I can identify myself with. Fortunately, when it comes to what I’m not so good at – namely design and social media support – I have my wife who has studied media design. The two of us cover virtually the entire spectrum needed for a good website.

What are the (longtime) goals with Webmetal Fürth?
I would like to manage to get into the network of the rock – and metal scene and so make more and more contacts. To reach newcomers, labels, established bands that find my work good, would be a dream. Should I be able to make a living from making websites for metal bands and artists at some point, that would be an absolute dream for me – because it’s just another level of fun at work than working 40 hours for someone else.
Are there any interesting bands you work for now?
Yes, indeed. The implementation is still going on at the moment, so I can’t reveal too much yet. But I can say that I have as the first “big” project immediately a band as a customer, which I appreciate very much. That’s fantastic and really a lot of fun.
Do you visit festivals etc as Webmetal Fürth? (Stand or something)
Not yet, but this is a fantastic idea! I should think about it as soon as the pandemic allows it again.Until then, I’ll have to see how my business takes off.
How can people find you?
Across all popular channels. I would be insanely happy if a few people who read the interview would follow me on social media. There’s some pretty interesting stuff coming up there in the near future, I promise!
Allright! Thank you for your time! On behalf of everyone at Maizter Underground we want to wish you all the best with all you guys take on in the future!
For more information, or to make sure you wont miss anything Web Metal Fürth announces, please follow them thru their website and socials!