In 2002 in Brazil XFears emerged. After two years the band called it quits but 13 years later, in 2017, XFears came back together and launched the single Changes. With the entrance of a new drummer and bassplayer XFears was set for the future. The First is the debut album of this Brazilian five piece band, was released to the public in 2021 and soon a new videoclip will be released. About this videoclip and some other things, I sat down with foundingmember and leadsinger Gabriel Carvalho.

Hey, thanks for taking the time for an interview with Maizter Underground!
It’s a pleasure to us man!
How are you doing? Covid and all.
We are doing well, luckly things are getting better here in Brazil, since our population are getting vaccinated, so the number of cases are decreasing and we’re very optimistic about this pandemic.
How did the band come to exist?
The band was created in early 2002 by Gabriel Carvalho when he invited Marcelão Monteiro and Gilmar Cazagrande to form the band in the south of Minas Gerais. At that time they were just teenagers at high school and they used to play some prog metal covers, while started composing some own songs. After 2 years the band stopped and returned officially and professionaly in 2020.
Can you introduce the band members one by one?
Gabriel Carvalho – Vocals / Keyboards
Marcelão Monteiro – Guitars
Gilmar Cazagrande – Guitars
Ricardo Roque – Bass
Douglas Polents – Drums

You guys call yourself XFEARS. How did you come up with this name and what does it mean?
XFEARS means X (Various) Fears, so with this name we want to settle that all of us has a lot of fears, concerns and things happening in our lives, this is something ordinary. In our lyrics we try to be as much positive as we can, since we believe we can always find a solution to a better life.
Can you tell me something about the journey this far? Where did the creativity came from for your first “own work” and who (if any) did inspire you?
All of us have different influences, so our debut album (The First) shows some of them, but we tried to be as much original as possible. Our inspirations came from Rush, Nevermore, Queensryche, Yes, and so on. About the lyrics we always try to bring subjects related to daily life.
What are the (longtime) goals with XFEARS?
We are extremely excited about the future, now that we are receiving amazing reviews from our first album, we think we can record the next album with more maturity, trying to bring even more profissionalism and passion to our work. We want to build a great discography and keep bringing nice songs and videos for everyone. For sure we want to tour around the globe if we have the opportunity. Europe is our first goal!

Are there singles/ an album coming up?
We’ll start working on new material soon, and surely we will share them! For now, our latest videoclip will be released at the 10th of October 2021. Its a video clip for the single Take Control!
Do you have any festivals/gigs/shows planned?
There’s a huge festival coming next year in Brazil and we’re defining some details to play in this concert. We hope we can bring news as fast as we can!
Allright! Thank you for your time! On behalf of everyone at Maizter Underground we want to wish XFears all the best with all you guys take on in the future!

To make sure you wont miss anything XFears announces or releases, please follow them on their socials!
If you want to know what XFears is all about, please watch one of the following video’s!