Fab Regmann joins Décembre Noir

Drummer Fab Regmann had joined German based Décembre Noir. Former drummer Kevin and Décembre recently parted ways and now Regmann has taken the vacant place. Regmann can be known for playing drums in bands like Disbelief and Antimatter.

Décembre Noir is a Death/Doom metal band from Erfurt, DE and are signed by record label LifeForce Records. Last year this five piece outfit, released their fourth album called The Renaissance Of Hope. Coming weekend (10 and 11 September) Regmann can make his stage debut with Décembre Noir when they play at Raise Your Horns festival in Ronne, Denmark.

Make sure to follow Décembre Noir on their website and Facebook.

And to get an idea of what Décembre Noir is about, whatch the following video clip!

About the Author

Patrick Reos

Patrick Reos
Based in The Netherlands.
Writing journalist.

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