Back in 2011 a new band formed in London, England and was named Overthrow. This 4 man band call the music they make Black and Death metal inspired Trashmetal. After releasing an EP and some single’s to the public, it now is time to release their debut album. The album is named Strike Down The Saviour and will be released on Friday the 10th of September 2021. The album has 9 new songs and has a total playtime of almost 55 minutes. Overthrow states: “AFter a decade of constant writing, performing live, personal changes and overcoming many personal and professional hurdles, Overthrow finally and proudly present their debut album to the world”.

The album opens with the song Premonition and it sets the tone for the rest of het album. Fast drums and guitars, great growling vocals and influences from Black and Death metal clearly can be heard. The songs that follow are Pure Death and War Within You. Both songs follow the same direction as the opener. Fast and energetic parts, followed by heavier pieces of music, and bounce back to the faster part. And again the influences from other genres can be heard. What really stands out for me, are the powerfull growls. They remind me a bit of Corey Taylor’s voice (Slipknot o.a).
I’ve Seen Them Die, Relentless Agression and Shots Fired are next up and allthough they dont sound the same, you clearly can hear Overthrow signature. I’ve Seem Them Die is the most accessible song of the album for me. Less tempo shifts and still very powerfull. Relentless Agression and Shots Fired pick up the pace once again. What stands out for me throughout the album, is the quality of the individual musicians and their ability to raise a real high standard for upcoming work. Gitars, drums and vocals make a perfect match and the tempo and genre shifts in songs itself make Overthrow a band to keep close eyes on.
Towards the end of the album we arrive at the title song of the album Strike Down The Saviour. For me this is the highlight of the album. This 7 minute track is a real gem and for people who dont know Overthrow this song would be a perfect way to get to know them. The switches in tempo and the general composition of this song is absolutely fantastic. Furthermore they show off their musical capabilities in a perfect way without becoming to complex or repetitive.
The last two song’s of Overthrow’s debut album are named Seeds Of Disease and Altar Of The Fallen. Both songs have a duration of over 6 minutes and, like the entire album, it fits these guys like a glove. Both songs are strong, the general tempo is a little bit down ( although the pace get picked up several times during said songs) and the differences between growls are worth mentioning.

After listening to Overthrow’s debut album Strike Down The Saviour I must say that I am impressed. The quality of the compostion, strong lyrics and the overall quality of the recording raises the bar for upcoming material. You clearly can hear that all the members have some experience under their belts and the album as a whole sounds like a finished product. Some of the songs like I’ve Seen Them Die and Strike Down The Saviour are, in my humble opinion, perfect examples of what Overthrow can bring to the table and are masterpieces in itself for me. Although most songs take well over 5 minutes it doesn’t feel repetitious. For people who like Trash, Black or Death metal, Overthrow really is a band you should look into. For people who are not a huge fan of these genre’s it could feel a bit overwhelming at times.
Score 8.5/10.0
Jay White – Rhytm Guitar and Vocals
Alex Harris – Lead Guitar and Backing Vocals
Alin Iordache – Bass Guitar
Scott Lindsay – Drums
Follow Overthrow on their Instagram page to show your support and for more information: